If you would like to contribute to our website an article, blog post, recipe, or other type of informative insight for our readers’ edification and benefit, please submit your material to us for review. We welcome continual and ongoing relationships with health and nutrition experts, authors, coaches, dietitians, researchers, scholars, and enthusiasts.
With the first submission, we ask that you send a brief biographical sketch of yourself, which we can include alongside your contribution when it is published to the site. We reserve the right to reject or modify your submission should it either (1) not fit the nature of our site or (2) require editorial changes of content, grammar, punctuation, syntax, diction, format, or length to match the prevailing style and needs of the site. You will ultimately have the final decision whether you want to proceed with the submission inclusive of our editorial changes. We will not publish your material without your final approval of its finished form.
Send submissions to Jack@smilefoodsystem.com
If you would like our website to post a link to your website or publication(s), or list your book(s), or create some type of professional association, please contact us to discuss this type of collaboration. We welcome and want to foster a robust network of health, nutrition, and diet experts working together to disseminate beneficial information that will help our fellow citizens on the planet to eat, play, work, sleep, and live well.